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Assessment Plan on Waste Container and Dry-Cell Battery Recycling Facilities

The objectives of our project are setting up a manual of the assessment procedure for recycling facilities, completing 90 onsite assessments on the performance of waste container recycling plants and dry-cell battery recyclers and accomplishing individual analysis for each evaluated plant as well as a comprehensive final report. Regarding to the first objective, setting up a manual of assessment procedure, we developed an evaluation checklist with respect to pollution prevention, disaster prevention, occupational safety, sanitation condition and document management, considering the operation of recycling plants in reality. We thus categorized the items in the evaluation checklist into three groups: “Infrastructure”, “Environmental Protection” and “Operational Management.” For the second objective in our project, completing at least 90 onsite assessments, we called for an assessment committee meeting on the 10th of June 2002, held two public hearings on June 20th and 21st and organized the first round of assessment between the 11th to 30th in July. 46 assessments in total were accomplished for the first round. The second round started on October 24th and lasted to November 28th; another 46 assessments were then carried out. In the two rounds of evaluation, the performance of facilities was evaluated based on the three assessment categories set in the assessment manual. Recommendations for improvement to the evaluated recycling facilities were made according to their onsite assessment results. Also the current national standards of storage and treatment facilities for recyclers were restated in each face-to-face occasion. About the individual analysis and comprehensive final report, we sent the recommendations for improvement to the evaluated recyclers after each round of onsite assessment. The final report was sent to Taiwan EPA. Besides, in order to provide more understandable suggestions to recyclers for future improvement, we prepared pictures and i
Waste Containe、 Dry-Cell Battery